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What happens during a session?
We'll begin with a brief 10-15 minute check-in to set an intention, followed by a short guided meditation, then I'll work intuitively from there. In-person sessions are typically lying face up on a massage table. Please let me know in advance if you need physical accommodations or are more comfortable seated.

Each session is tailored to the call of a person's body, mind and spirit so I'm unable to pre-plan or set percentages on ThetaHealing or Reiki. Some sessions are more non-verbal with Reiki and some are more interactive with Theta Healing. I trust what is supposed to move through me and am committed to honoring the authenticity of what I'm called to do in a person's highest and best interest.

How is parking?
There is free street parking around our business and several affordable public parking lots. North Park is a high volume area, so giving yourself 5-10 minutes for parking is suggested to be safe. 

How do I prepare?
For the best results, avoid alcohol and recreationals the evening before and the day of your session. Grounding and hydrating before session will allow healing energy to move through you more freely but it is not required. 

What do I wear and bring?
Feel free to dress comfortably. If you're pregnant, I can incline the massage table and use prop up pillows. You may also bring your own pillow if you prefer. 

What should I think about during the session?
Leave the heavy lifting to your Spirit Guides and I will enroll you when needed. The more you relax the easier it is to work in your space. It's totally fine to fall asleep; oftentimes, it's your body's way of releasing resistance. 

How will I feel afterwards and what should I do?
The most common feelings after a session are grounded and peaceful. Some say they feel energized and others say they feel drained, like after a cleansing cry or release. It's also natural to be tired and sleep extra the night of a session. In a relaxed state your body knows what it needs to recalibrate. The best aftercare is to hydrate and listen to your body. 

Can I work or go out afterwards?
Energy work is like a deep tissue massage for your emotional body. Chances are you'll want to take it easy the rest of the day.

What payments are accepted?
Cash or Venmo are preferred and PayPal is available if needed. Credit/debit and Amex are accepted with a 4% service charge. Checks are not accepted.

Will I feel the results after one session?
You will feel grounded after each session. Give yourself a few days to integrate the energy received on a deeper level. A full shift can be instant or gradual but once awareness is made, a shift is inevitable.

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Book your session [email protected]

Cancellation Policy

Reminder notifications are a courtesy but clients are responsible for showing up to their scheduled appointments. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, please allow 24 hours notice so your spot can be filled. Cancellations under 24 hours notice or a no-call/no-show will result in a 50% late fee before rescheduling. If a client is 20+ minutes late to their appointment, the session will be canceled and a 50% late fee will be charged before rescheduling.

Communication Accountability

I will check-in periodically throughout the session to make sure the information coming through is resonating with you. I’m also happy to offer solutions when an issue is brought to my attention during a session but I do not comp services or offer refunds for issues addressed after the session.   

Prepaid Policy

All package and gift certificate sales are final and do not expire. A no-call/no-show appointment on a package plan will count as (1) full session. The cancellation policy applies to all prepaid sessions.